How Covid changed the events industry

Needless to say, the covid-19 crisis has had a disastrous impact on the event industry. Cancelled shows, closed venues, postponed outdoor events... the sector has seen it all. After having suffered a lot, it is now trying to reinvent itself, thanks to new ways of thinking. And in this article, we tell you all about the new trends of this world still standing despite everything

All is not lost !

17 billion dollars. No, that's not the value that Elon Musk's shares have gained since the beginning of 2021, but the estimated loss of the event industry for the year 2020. Suffice it to say, it stings. The arrival of containment last March hit the sector hard, as it had never experienced such a slap in the face. In order not to turn the other cheek, the players in the field have been inventive and innovative in finding solutions.

And the least we can say is that they gave it their all. After many brainstorming sessions, new ideas have emerged. Thus, agencies now propose digital events to continue to gather hundreds of people while respecting the rules of physical distance. If digital may seem cold and less friendly at first glance, the internet has nevertheless warmed hearts a lot of times.

Thank you Internet

What would we do without the internet? This question we've all asked ourselves hundreds of times before took on a whole new meaning during the March lockdown. That's when our best friends arrived. Yes, we're talking about Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, which allowed us to stay connected with the world while cooped up at home.

But what has this changed for event planning, you ask? Well everything, absolutely EVERYTHING. From the biggest events, to the smallest, everything had to be done on the internet. And the examples are everywhere (unlike us at that time...). 

Online museum visits, Emmy Awards ceremony, webinar or simply a farewell party, everything was done virtually. And if digital already had a place in the world, its importance increased tenfold in 2020 and the trend is confirmed in 2021. As a reminder, between December 2019 and April 2020, the number of Zoom app users grew from 10 million to... 300 million.

The 2021-2022 event industry

The codes of the event industry have not really changed. They have simply adapted. Public speaking, animations, shows, cocktail parties and even goodies, everything is done so that the guests can still enjoy the pleasure of an event. 

Thanks to TV sets (personalized according to the theme of your event), digital platforms created to measure, original animations (quiz, blind test, escape game...) or even boxes composed according to the desires (breakfast, lunch, cocktail party) or tools intended for the realization of a teambuilding, the participants - even from their couch - find the same sensations, or almost. 

Today, people need to meet, but in a safe environment. And for that, the internet is the best solution. But when the health situation improves, organizers will have to respond to new types of needs. This means more security and health measures, and less public expected.

To Conclude

The event industry has not let the crisis get the better of it. On the contrary, today it has adapted perfectly, thanks to the Internet. The importance of the decor for a virtual event also plays a big part in its success. The organization of face-to-face events has been modified according to the health crisis. But they obviously remain the most appreciated!

We all need something. Sometimes you just have to put it out there...

Are you communicating about a new project? Is your next event a logistical challenge? Contact us and let's talk about it!

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